| Terminator 2: Judgment DayReleased: July 3, 1991 Studio: Sony Genre: sci-fi/action Box Office (numbers in millions):Domestic: 205.90 Worldwide: 520.90 Adjusted for Inflation:Domestic: 457.00 Worldwide: 1107.60 |
Directing: James Cameron Screenwriting: James Cameron, William Wisher Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, Edward Furlong Review:In 1984, Arnold Schwarzenegger played a cyborg in The Terminator and served up one of movie’s most quotable lines: “I’ll be back.” In 1991, he would, in fact, be back. This “well-executed, action-packed sequel” FS was given a massive $100 million budget thanks to director James Cameron’s success with blockbusters like Aliens (1986) and The Abyss (1989). The movie made back twice its budget in the United States alone in its opening weekend. FS “Is it really better than the original? In terms of scale and sheer, balls-out action spectacle, yes.” EM’18 In addition, “the computer-generated special effects and dazzling,” FS pushing “the boundaries of filmmaking.” AFI07 The movie is set in 1995, eleven years after the first film. “Sarah Connor (Hamilton) is now in a mental institution after attempting to blow up Cyberdyne Systems, and for acting delusional and insane over thoughts of an apocalypse. Her son John (Furlong) has become a rebellious foster child.” FS Schwarzenegger was a bad guy in the first movie but here he is on a mission to save the boy, who will one day be the leader who oversees humans’ victory over the cyborgs. He must face off with a newer model Terminator who has been sent to terminate John. This model can “morph his body into any solid shape, impersonate other persons and even camouflage himself with the background.” FS “The film explores issues of fate, responsibility, loyalty, and the essences of humanity.” FS The movie allows John Connor to assume the role of teacher in guiding Schwarzenegger’s more sensitive Terminator in human behavior. Sources: