| Pulp FictionReleased: October 14, 1994 Studio: Miramax Genre: crime drama Box Office (numbers in millions): Domestic: 107.90 Worldwide: 213.90 Adjusted for Inflation: Domestic: 226.70 Worldwide: 913.10 |
Directing: Quentin Tarantino Screenwriting: Roger Avery, Quentin Tarantino Starring: John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, Ving Rames, Tim Roth, Amanda Plummer, Harvey Keitel Review:Quentin Tarantino “made good on the promise of his 1992 debut (Reservoir Dogs) and crafted one of the most innovative crime dramas. Ever.” RS Pulp Fiction was “a stylish, immensely-popular, violent, off-beat, modern B-movie cult classic from writer/director Tarantino.” FS “Not since Orson Welles had a writer-director taken more joy in reinventing film form.” RS Tarantino “broke new ground with his non-linear,” A07 “audacious [and] outrageous look at honor among lowlifes.” LM Tarantino’s “tale of violence, corruption and redemption” A07 garnered “career-best performances from John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis and Uma Thurman.” RS “In fact, there are no slackers in this cast.” LM Vincent Vega (Travolta) and Jules Winfield (Jackson) are “magnetic” LM as “philosophically-talkative hit men” FS “who live by a strict moral code” A07 in “the seamy side of Los Angeles.” A98 They work for “vengeful, underworld boss Marsellus Wallace” FS (Rhames), who puts a hit out on Willis when the boxer double crosses him by failing to take dive. Thurman is the crime boss’s drug-overdosing wife, Roth and Plummer are a couple of small-time crooks who hold up a diner, and Keitel is The Wolf, a cleanup specialist. “This voluble, violent, pumped-up movie isn’t for every taste – certainly not for the squeamish – but it’s got more vitality than almost any other film of 1994.” LM Sources: