Thursday, July 8, 2010

Inception released


Released: July 8, 2010

Studio: Warner Bros.

Genre: sci-fi/action

Box Office (numbers in millions):

Domestic: 292.60 Worldwide: 839.03

Adjusted for Inflation:

Domestic: 341.69 Worldwide: 938.50

Directing: Christopher Nolan

Screenwriting: Christopher Nolan

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard


“Christopher Nolan, who wrote, directed, and produced the film, actually relied on his own dream experiences rather than research as he worked on this passion project.” MSN “Given its setting is largely the subconscious, though,…every scene – let alone the movie – could be punctured with that postscript beloved of primary school story scribblers: ‘And I woke up and it was only a dream...’ So, don’t brace for a ‘ta-dah!’ moment – it will impede your enjoyment and waste your time.” E10

“This is about life and death and what might be beyond and between. It is also about blazing gun battles, zero-gravity fist fights and stars you’d like to sleep with.” E10 This is “a film that embraces intellect and emotion but also sheer entertainment.” E10

“In terms of scale and style…[Inception] is comparable to [James] Bond’s best excursions” E10 “except, instead of a British secret agent, we get a freelance corporate dream-thief.” E18 It is “filtered through a brain-frying, subconscious-spelunking, time-dilating structure.” E10 “You remain emotionally engaged, even if you’re not entirely sure what’s going on.” E10

“When you’re not basking in the visuals, you can always lean into DiCaprio and appreciate the emotion.” E10 “He appears effortless, even though he’s the beam on which the whole mighty edifice rests. It’s because you believe his journey, his heart, that you buy into Inception.” E10



Dave’s Movie Database Lists:




Wins: 4: Best Cinematography, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, Best Visual Effects

Nominations: 8: Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score


Hall of Fames:

First posted 2/28/2025; last updated 3/4/2025.