Wednesday, January 24, 1990

Today in Movie History (1940): The Grapes of Wrath released in theaters

The Grapes of Wrath

Released: January 24, 1940

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Genre: drama

Box Office (numbers in millions):

Domestic: 1.6 (rentals) Worldwide: --

Adjusted for Inflation:

Domestic: -- Worldwide: --

Directing: John Ford

Screenwriting: Nunnally Johnson

Starring: Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, John Carradine, Shirley Mills, John Qualen, Eddie Quillan, Charley Grapewin


John Steinbeck won a Pultizer Prize for his 1939 novel The Grapes of Wrath about how “the poverty-stricken Joad family leaves the Dust Bowl of Oklahoma and heads out west to find a better life” VD as migrant workers in the grape fields, only to find “disillusionment upon reaching California.” A07

The movie adaptation the next year is “one of the all-time great, enduring American movies by John Ford.” MSN “The compassionate, socially-conscious film contains Henry Fonda’s greatest film role as wrongly-convicted ex-con Tom Joad, a poor yet dignified Okie farmer who refuses to be beaten down by misfortune, social injustice, oppression and capitalist greed.” FS Darwell won an Oscar for her portray as “the loving backbone of the desperate Joad family.” FS

The movie “is faithful to the original story until the second half. Where Steinbeck’s story ends with a call to action to address the hardships of those in the Depression, the movie has a more optimistic ending.” MSN



Dave’s Movie Database Lists:



Wins: 2: Best Director, Best Supporting Actress (Darwell)

Nominations: 7: Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Actor (Fonda), Best Sound Recording, Best Film Editing

Hall of Fames:


Experts’ Picks:

First posted 3/4/2025.

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